General Overview for Risk Managers

For over 17 years, we have helped thousands of lending institutions and diverse organizations around the world to achieve higher growth while successfully managing risk.

The Company at a Glance

Key Figures

15% - 20% reduction of non-recoverable debt (defaults)

5% -10%
increase in sales

5% -10%
increase in interest revenue

20% - 40%
reduction in capital expenditure (Reserve)

Case Studies

Discover with the Case Studies how Credit Risk Management Technology can improve your results and make your business profits grow.

Do you want to Risk less
and Profit More?

GDS Modellica at a Glance

GDS Modellica is a global provider of customer-centric risk management and process automation technology that delivers customized solutions designed to meet the evolving risk management needs of companies in a broad spectrum of industries, including banking, credit cards, telecommunications, utilities and insurance. For over 17 years, we have helped thousands of lending institutions and diverse organizations around the world to achieve higher growth while successfully managing risk. Rather than one size fits all solutions, our industry-specific risk management insights helps guide the development and implementation of solutions tailored to individual needs.

Our Clients say

“This upgrade of our credit origination processes will enable us deliver even better service to our customers who remain the core focus of our business. The partnership with GDS Modellica will help us expedite the creditgranting business cycle and at the same time provide more customized loan propositions to our clientele.“

Chief Risk Officer,
African Bank

GDS Modellica’s ability to easily apply changes to our risk admission and tracking strategies, along with the simulation and quality control mechanisms, has been fundamental in allowing us to smoothly adapt to an extremely challenging situation in record time.

Technical Director of Risk Unit, International Insurance Company

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Credit Risk Management success

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