Blaze The Trail Forward

Discover and develop successful credit risk, fraud, response and operations management strategies with our Global Advisory Team. We partner with traditional and non-traditional financial institutions across multiple industries, so whether you are a bank, credit bureau, or financial software platform provider, we’re here to help. We deliver personalized, specific, and future-thinking consultative engagements that empower you to reach the results you deserve.

Advisory Services | Credit Risk Analysis and Advisory | GDS Link

Meet Some of Your Credit Risk Advisory Team

50+ Years of hands on experience and success. 4 PhDs. 6 Masters. 4 BS Degrees.

Build your future with our dedicated team of global credit risk and advanced analytics professionals. Our leaders and members hold degrees in Physics, Statistics, Math, and other sciences, and are here to support you even beyond the deployment of your customized solution.

Carl Spilker

EVP of Analytics and Advisory

Carl is an accomplished global executive who has held senior leadership roles for large American and British lending companies and banks such as EZCORP Inc., Provident Financial Group, Lloyds TSB, GE Private Label Credit Cards, and Experian Scorex. He brings to GDS Link a proven executive management track record and over 2 decades of experience in delivering consumer lending products offline and online, utilizing complex analytical instruments, and small business portfolio management.

Why Choose GDS Link Credit Risk Advisors?

Credit Risk Management | GDS Link

50+ Years of Credit Risk Data and Strategy Experience

Credit Risk Management | GDS Link

Competitive Advantage
Through Technology

Credit Risk Management | GDS Link

Proven Methodologies
and Data Mastery

Diverse team of Data Scientists and Credit and Risk Officers for independent assessments backed by global reach

In-depth understanding of market risks and trends
Competitive approach to credit risks and opportunities
Personalized tech solution to improve bottom line

Access to market-leading software and AI tools
Proficiency in crafting comprehensive solutions
Software + analytics to improve business results

Advisors In Action


An evolving compliance framework made it difficult for Corserv’s client banks to offer credit cards to their customers, and the company wanted a better way to support them.

With GDS Link and ModellicaPro, Corserv designed a streamlined credit decisioning solution that’s smart, flexible, and simple.

Demo Mockup Flow Chart | GDS Link

Achieve the Future You Want

Learn about how we can make your business grow with expert guidance and customized solutions.


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