Leveraging Income Data Solutions to Accelerate Profitable Lending with Don Chapman of Powerlytics

Lenders within both consumer and SMB rely on data from a multitude of third-party sources to make informed credit decisions. Understanding a borrower’s income with a high degree of certainty is critical in terms of the borrower’s ability to repay. Today, we see income verification solutions employed across a variety of different applications, whether leveraged within marketing efforts, typically in the form of targeted prescreen offers, as well as within income solutions, usually through targeted credit line increase offers.

In this episode, Don Chapman, Head of Strategic Partnerships at Powerlytics, whose core focus is partnering with platforms, data providers, and others to leverage data and solutions that deliver value to banks and lenders. Rich and Don analyze a variety of unique credit solutions and take a deeper dive into topics like:

  • The increase in reliance of income solutions by both banks and non-traditional lenders
  • Recent trends in the market, including which cities are best prepared to take on a recession
  • Three critical items lenders look for in data providers
  • The value of proactive credit line increases and navigating the CARD Act
  • How a nine-digit ZIP Code can accurately estimate a household’s income or a confidence score against the household’s stated income

About Don Chapman

Don Chapman joined Powerlytics in 2020 as Head of Strategic Partnerships. Don is focused on partnering with platforms, data providers, and others to leverage Powerlytics’ data and solutions to deliver value to banks and lenders. Don brings over 20+ years of senior marketing, business development, and sales experience in the financial services, technology, and consumer goods industries. Prior to joining Powerlytics, Don served as Head of Marketing for internet services company Verisign where he was responsible for the company’s global marketing efforts.

Before that, Don spent 18 years with Capital One and American Express where he served in a range of marketing and partner-facing roles, including building and managing co-branded card partnerships with JetBlue, Sony, and Fidelity. Don earned a BS in Marketing from The University of Illinois and an MBA from the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College.

Be sure to follow Don and our host Rich on LinkedIn, and for the latest GDS Link updates and news, follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn. You can subscribe to the Lending Link on Apple PodcastsSpotifyGoogle Play, or wherever you prefer to listen to your podcasts!

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