Customer Management

With a comprehensive customer profile you can accurately identify your most valuable customers or those with high potential to become more valuable. You can also create powerful segmentation campaigns without losing sight of the principles of a cautious risk management. Apply the power of analytics and decisioning in all your operational decisions in an informed way derived by decisional models.

Modellica Behaviour Engine - MBE

The GDS Modellica Behavior Engine (MBE) evaluates a borrower credit relationship based on past behavior and predictive information from that SME or individual’s interactions across the enterprise, rather than relying on single-relationship data alone to drive decisions.Periodically the system identifies the total credit line to be extended to an account or borrower, and allows apportionment of limits and lines to each product relationship.
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Focus on what really interests your Business

By executing credit line management strategies, the bank can improve profits by expanding the buying power of your best customers, while limiting exposure from those that are riskier. On demand the bank can perform real-time line increases, improve revenue and customer satisfaction by minimizing the number of point-of-sale transactions referred for manual intervention.

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